Published: November, 2006
Photo by Scott Hargis
Published: December, 2001 The Alameda/Oakland Estuary along Jack London Square was lit up for the holidays with the 25th Annual Lighted Yacht Parade on Saturday, December 1, 2001. Over sixty nautical vessels of all imaginable sizes and shapes, dressed in their holiday lights and finery, floated past over 15,000 guests along the shore. This year’s […]
Published: September, 2004 California Senate Bill 1078 (SB 1078) became law January 1, 2003. It provides that each governing body of a local publicly owned electric utility shall be responsible for implementing and enforcing a “renewable portfolio standard” to encourage renewable resources. The state legislature established an attainment target of 20% renewable energy by the […]
Lawsuit-Happy David Schonbrunn Forces Bay Area to Reconcile Ideal of Air Quality with Addiction to Cars, Drives MTC Nuts–Court-Ordered $5 per Gallon Tax on Gas? Published: December, 2002 David Schonbrunn is President and Founder of Transportation Solutions Defense and Education Fund, or TRANSDEF for short. Schonbrunn, 54 years old and formerly a video engineer, […]