

By Patrick BurNson 
Published: May, 2007 

SF Air Cargo Association Staging Annual Airline Fair

San Francisco Bay Area manufacturers of high-end and/or perishable commodities are invited to attend this year’s Airline Fair, said Nolan Pahud, editor of the SFACA newsletter. While most of the association’s members comprise air cargo carriers and freight forwarders, shippers are encouraged to get involved in the fair, which will feature a Western Theme. According to organizers, it’s a great way for all industry players to mix and socialize while being brought up to date on the leading industry issues. This is a buffet luncheon at the Grosvenor Hotel in South City.


Transport Community Holds Collaborative Event at GGYC

Spearheaded by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, the annual Collaborative Banquet at the Golden Gate Yacht Club takes place on May 16. Featured speaker will be Dr. Jim Rice of MIT, and co-author of Supply Chain 2020. He will be discussing the Creation of Resilient Supply Chains, drawing from his experience at Proctor & Gamble, UPS, and Motorola. Among the event’s co-sponsors are Women in Logistics and Women in International Trade.


Pacific Transportation Association Takes Message to Capital

The PTA’s Ports and Terminals luncheon, which had been staged in the past at the bygone World Trade Club, has been reinvented at the State capital. In conjunction with The Northern California World Trade Center, the PTA invited Ray King, from the Port of Oakland, Mike Luken, from the Port of Sacramento and Chair of the Senate Transportation Sub-Committee on California Ports & Goods Movement, Norman Fassler-Katz, to speak at a roundtable last month at the California Chamber of Commerce. While last year’s discussion focused on the environment, this time it was on employment. Yolanda Benson, deputy secretary for jobs and economic development, explained how local cargo gateways play a major role in providing a long-term, sustainable livelihood for tens of thousands of regional citizens. Bill Lewicki, from the Port of Stockton, joined the chorus this time around, singing the praises of port unity and cooperation. Steve Muir, sales manager for Liberty Container Lines, Inc. chaired the committee charged with bringing this quality content to the event.