Golden Gate Transit is expected to take over operations of the commute runs of the Tiburon ferry route from Blue & Gold Fleet in 2017.
Final details and dates of the handover were not available at press time. Golden Gate Ferry plans to accept Blue & Gold tickets for a limited time, but encourages passengers to use Clipper for fare payment. Trips between the San Francisco Ferry Building and Tiburon will be scheduled to last approximately 30 minutes per crossing, similar to current times. Blue & Gold Fleet will continue to provide non-commuter and weekend service between Tiburon and Pier 41.
“We’re looking forward to serving the Tiburon community,” said Piya Clemens, spokesperson for Golden Gate Ferry, a division of the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway, and Transportation District. “Our buses and ferries take 25 percent of all commute traffic off the roads, making Bay Area transportation move more smoothly.”