
Bay CrossingsBay Round Up

Bay Crossings Staff Report 
Published: May, 2004

OAK Airport Expansion
Local officials broke ground on a $110 million airport expansion project that will add five new boarding gates to Oakland’s terminal number two, the current home of Southwest Airlines.

BART Lay Offs
BART plans to lay of some 53 workers in July, including some 16 dedicated to car and station cleaning. This is part of the BART Board’s efforts to close an estimated $41 million budget shortfall.

Harbor Bay Still in the Hunt
Alameda Oakland Ferry service is reportedly still negotiating with both Blue & Gold Fleet and Harbor Bay about handling the service now provided by Harbor Bay Maritime.

Alameda Oakland Goes to the Giants
Alameda/Oakland is again offering service to the Giants games and return. Weekday evening games depart from Alameda at 6:10 pm and Oakland at 6:20 pm. The return is twenty minutes after the last out OR 11:30 pm. Weekend day games also have service leaving Oakland at 11:30 am and Alameda at 11:50 am.

Special Race Ferry
Vallejo Baylink will operate special ferry service on Sunday, May 16th, to the Bay to Breakers Race, departing at 6:30 am. This is usually a popular event so overflow crowds will be handled with backup bus service. Normal fares apply.

Golden Gate to Add Race Service
Golden Gate is offering three Sunday departures from Larkspur to get you to the Bay to Breakers Race before the 8:00 am start time on May 16th. Special race day fares apply, where adults are $5.60 and children under five are free. Additional service is also offered throughout the day.

Buses for Sale on eBay
Golden Gate is continuing to sell buses on eBay, offering nine coaches with relatively low mileage. The District noted that the administrative costs for selling on eBay were lower than the traditional sealed bid method.

Golden Gate to the Giants
Golden Gate also offers service to Giants games, with extensive service to many games. For schedule information. please check the web site at

New Director for Port
Monique Moyer has been named Director of the Port of San Francisco, responsible for 71/2 miles of shoreline, commercial shipping, fishing, and recreation. “Monique’s managerial experience and her extensive background in financial management make her an outstanding choice,” said Mayor Gavin Newsom in a recent press release.

SF Moves 2.64 Miles Closer to the East
Thanks to the efforts of Port officials and Representative Nancy Pelosi, the current House transportation bill (which has yet to be reconciled with the Senate version) contains $5 million for the Illinois St. Bridge Improvement Project. This new .66 mile bridge will carry freight trains, vehicular traffic, bicycles, and pedestrians and provide direct access to Piers 80 and 94-96. Use of the new bridge will eliminate a 3.3 mile circuitous route now required for access to the piers.

New Bike Lane to Open
On Sunday, May 16th at 10:00 am, the bicycle and pedestrian way will open on the Al Zampa Memorial Bridge connecting Crocket and Vallejo. The public (those who are not at the Bay to Breakers Race) are invited to attend.