Published: November, 2004
Bay CrossingsCuisine
Published: November, 2004
Bay CrossingsCuisine
Published: January, 2007 Shuttle between San Francisco and Oakland on the Alameda /Oakland ferry. The above illustration was created by Oakland artist and muralist, Alan Leon. Currently, he is creating a 52-card deck called Bay Edges, which have illustrated scenes from what he sees around the San Francisco Bay. Alan loves to observe, interpret and […]
Published: May, 2004 Harith Aleem has been the Aquatic Program Coordinator for the last two years. He started swimming when he was 7 years old. Harith said, “I grew up at the pool.” His first job was interning at the pool. From that honorable beginning, Harith worked through all the different jobs available. What Harith […]
By Bobby Winston Published: September, 2004 Fellow “Rambo patriots” Arnold Schwarzenegger and George W. Bush may share a “Who, me worry?” attitude generally when it comes to elections, but every decent-thinking Californian should rise in outrage at the Governor’s craven proposal to gut RM-2 to pay for Bay Bridge overruns. Public transit advocates played by […]