Published: April, 2016 Spring into April with a packed calendar of waterfront fun at Jack London Square! From foodies to dancers, there is something for everyone to enjoy, including musical performances from Oakland School for the Arts, the Oakland Dance Festival, Jack of All Trades, the Pacific Coast Farmers’ Market and more. For the first […]
"Clean Coal" is a Dirty Lie
By Sejal Choksi-Chugh Published: April, 2016 Can 10 million tons of Utah coal per year be brought by train through the Bay Area and shipped from Oakland to Asia, without polluting neighborhoods and San Francisco Bay? Can such a scheme cut down on pollution in Beijing and even help reduce worldwide carbon emissions? The developers […]
COAL Is a Four-Letter Word
By W.G. Claytor Published: April, 2016 We all know coal is a four-letter word. The San Francisco Bay Chapter of the Sierra Club doesn’t like coal and is apparently willing to tune the facts, make implications and otherwise stir the emotions to convince you that coal moving through Oakland will be poisonous. If their case […]
Horizontal Levee Project Breaks New Ground
By Bill Picture Published: April, 2016 The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s top water official, Joel Beauvais, was in the Bay Area recently for a tour of the Oro Loma Sanitary District’s wastewater treatment plant in San Lorenzo. An experiment is underway there to test a new type of levee that could protect waterfront communities […]
BY CAPTAIN RAY Published: April, 2016 Sunday, April 24 is Opening Day on the Bay. While this is mostly a grand nautical celebration, there is a part of it that can be enjoyed from the shoreline as well. There are two events happening that day, one of which has roots that go back several hundred […]
Watch Out for Whales!
Published: April, 2016 Last month, NOAA’s Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary advised boaters along the north-central California coast, especially in the San Francisco Bay Area, to steer clear of whales migrating through the area in large numbers from winter through late spring. Gray whales are at a particularly high risk of collisions with vessels […]
Twin Tunnels Threaten the Bay
By Sejal Choksi-Chugh Published: April, 2016 Should local salmon be pushed to extinction? Should some Bay Area residents pay much higher water bills? Should San Francisco Bay be contaminated with toxic pollutants? My guess is that Bay Area readers would answer these questions with a resounding “no,” but these scenarios will become reality if the […]
Sea Stars, River Otters and Sharks—Oh My!
By Mallory Johnson Published: March, 2016 How do sea stars eat? What is a river otter’s favorite food? Do sharks hunt people? The answers may surprise you. Read about three of the Bay’s top predators and find out what it takes to be an apex predator. Sea Stars Life in a tidepool isn’t easy, […]
YES Conference Engages Youth on Climate Change
By Stella Yip Published: March, 2016 The next generation of environmentalists and climate change scientists gathered at the Youth for the Environment and Sustainability 2016 Conference—or YES Conference—at UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science on January 30 to present and discuss projects they have started at school to reduce the impacts of climate change. Some […]
Marine Mechanic Todd Leitsch
By Matt Larson Published: March, 2016 While riding the ferry, many of us don’t think past the ticket price as far as what goes on to keep the ferry boats moving day in and day out. But in addition to the captains and deckhands you see while boarding the vessel, there are some unsung heroes […]