Environment Ferries News

WETA Awarded Grant to Build All-Electric Ferry

The San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) recently announced that it has been awarded a $9 million grant from the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) to build an all-electric passenger ferry to serve the Mission Bay neighborhood of San Francisco. The grant, awarded through CalSTA’s Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program, will […]

Education Environment News Waterfront

Embracing the Spirit of Earth Day While Sheltering in Place

Did you know this year marks the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day?   My staff would normally be tabling at festivals around the Bay Area, organizing volunteers at shoreline trash cleanups and hosting happy hours at local restaurants to toast the Bay we love. Yet here we are instead, celebrating the Earth inside […]

Environment News Waterfront

Tales of the Sea: International Ocean Film Festival Returns for 17th Year

BY KRISTY HAMILTON  Nothing captures our imaginations quite like the mystery of the sea—we have legends like Captain Cook, Jules Verne and Jacques-Yves Cousteau to thank for our fascination with Earth’s waters. Sailing into San Francisco from March 12 to 15, the International Ocean Film Festival returns for its 17th year with new tales of […]

Education Environment News Waterfront

Surprising Levels of Pollution from two South Bay Cities

During the last few rainy seasons, Baykeeper’s scientists spent many weeks scrambling down hillsides and wading into mud to collect water samples from storm drain outfalls. Our field team was looking for the source of pollution to South Bay creeks and rivers that feed into San Francisco Bay. We got surprising results. The water samples […]

Environment News Waterfront

Citywide Statues Commemorate 30th Anniversary of Sea Lions’ Arrival

BY JOEL WILLIAMS It was shortly after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake shook the Bay Area that the first sea lions began hauling out onto the piers in the Pier 39 marina. It was a few here and there at first, but by January 1990 their numbers had reached 500—at one point they topped out […]

Environment News

Innovative Presidio Tunnel Tops Project Gets Underway

On November 7, park managers and community and civic leaders, led by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, broke ground on 14 acres of new national parkland atop highway tunnels with dramatic views of the Golden Gate, the Bay, the Presidio and the San Francisco skyline. The Presidio Tunnel Tops project, slated to open in […]

Environment News

Revitalization Project for S.F. Southern Waterfront Showing Results

BY BILL PICTURE Nearly 20 years ago, port officials in San Francisco began assessing the City’s underused (and largely dilapidated) southern waterfront to decide on the best path forward for the once thriving area. During that assessment, stakeholders wanted to find an industrial-recreational balance that would honor the area’s rich maritime history. At the same […]


Innovative East Bay Stormwater Project Breaks Ground

BY BILL PICTURE The San Francisco Estuary Partnership has broken ground on a green street project that will help improve water quality in the Bay by cleaning the stormwater that travels along paved city surfaces. The “Green Stormwater Spine” will eventually replace a cumulative total of six acres of concrete and other impervious surfaces along […]