The Port of San Francisco recently replaced the canopy covering the gangway leading to the boats at Gate B, which services San Francisco Bay Ferry’s Vallejo route and Golden Gate Ferry’s Tiburon service. The work was completed in early January just before several winter storms hit the Bay Area. Vallejo and Tiburon commuters were happy […]
Waterfront Briefing
WETA Board Approves New High-Speed Ferry
BC STAFF REPORT Last month, the San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) Board of Directors authorized the agency to exercise a $14.8 million build option for a second 300-passenger high-speed ferry from Mavrik Marine to support the growth of San Francisco Bay Ferry service. Mavrik Marine is currently building Dorado, a versatile […]
Second Alameda Terminal Will Expand East Bay Ferry Service
BC STAFF REPORT In order to meet growing passenger demand, the WETA Board of Directors approved a major 2020 revamp of San Francisco Bay Ferry’s Alameda and Oakland service at its December meeting. The plan, which is expected to take effect in mid-2020, will shift primary commute service in Alameda to a new ferry terminal […]
WETA Considers Projects for Rapid Ferry System Expansion
BY DAN ROSENHEIM Confronted with a choice between slow-growth fiscal conservatism and more rapid ferry service expansion, top Water Emergency Transportation Authority staff now advocate for the latter—even if it could mean pressing for new subsidies. WETA Executive Director Nina Rannells told the agency’s November board meeting that, after re-examining financial projections, she favors forging […]
WETA Will Grow—But Where and How Fast?
BY DAN ROSENHEIM “We’ve got some reserves but not enough to fund everything.” Those words, spoken last month by Water Emergency Transit Authority (WETA) Executive Director Nina Rannells, reflect the agency’s predicament as it reevaluates a five-year spending plan in the face of a freeze on funds it had expected to receive from Regional Measure […]
Treasure Island Ferry Dock Build Begins, but Whose Boats Will It Use?
Fall is just around the corner, the time when Treasure Island development authorities had been expected to clarify their expectations for a promised ferry service between the island and downtown San Francisco. At issue is how ferry operations will be financed and whether initial service will be provided by a public agency, the Water Emergency […]