
Cruise Aboard a Tall Ship

Published: April, 2005

Opening Day on San Francisco Bay, April 24th, will feature a Bay Cruise aboard the Ka’iulani, an 85-foot wooden hull Schoone, offered by the Golden Gate Tall Ship Society. A light lunch and soft drinks will be served.

You can participate in style in the parade of ships along the San Francisco waterfront. The fee for members of the Society is $65, their guests $75, the general public $85, and children under 14 years $35. Children board at the discretion of the ship’s captain and must be accompanied by a paying parent or guardian.

The Golden Gate Tall Ship Society promotes the renaissance of traditional sailing ships on San Francisco Bay. Members experience traditional sailing experiences, Bay Area youth get scholarships for sail training, and a schedule of monthly sailing events is maintained during the season. All are invited to join; information may be obtained by visiting, or calling (415) 331-1009.

Opening Day on the Bay is Sunday, April 24, 2005; 9:30 a.m. boarding, leaving the dock at 10:00 a.m., returning at 2:00 p.m. (four hour cruise), departing from Berkeley Marina (Olympic Circle), at the foot of Spinnaker Way in Berkeley. For more information, call Pamela Blizard, (415) 331-1009.