Published: May, 2018
The San Francisco Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) has announced several new routes that are planned to begin service in the years to come. Richmond will begin new ferry service by the end of this year, while plans for new terminals at Treasure Island, Mission Bay, Berkeley and Alameda’s Seaplane Lagoon are all being discussed. These new routes would provide service to downtown San Francisco from new terminals throughout the Bay Area.
In order to accommodate expanded services, additional improvements are underway at the downtown San Francisco Ferry Terminal, including the construction of new ferry gates. Ferry riders eager for increased ferry service may enjoy seeing the progress depicted in these photos over the last year on the WETA Downtown San Francisco Ferry Terminal Expansion project. This project will add two additional gates as well as a large public plaza and weather-protection canopies. The construction is scheduled to last through the year 2019, so there will be plenty more progress as you commute via ferry over the next year and half.