

Published: June, 2005

Harbor Bay Ferry riders have been on an emotional roller coaster, hearing their beloved ferry doesn’t meet supposedly sacrosanct “fare box recovery” rates and is in danger of cancellation.

Worry not, folks. The Harbor Bay ferry is doing dandy and is there is precisely a zero chance of it being cancelled.

The “fare box recovery” amounts to a scare tactic and is a full-out sham. In fact, the Harbor Bay Ferry’s strong performance takes place despite no marketing support whatsoever on the part of the heroically inept Alameda/Oakland Ferry Service management.

Here are the facts: in the first 3 months of 2005, Harbor Bay achieved a 37% fare box recovery. By comparison, AC transit barely managed 20%, and this only by conveniently omitting all infrastructure costs. BART tries the same trick to claim a 60% fare box recovery figure; the true figure is probably less than half that.

The motivations for taking after ferries, even though their fare box recovery rates are superior to all other forms of public transit (and bound to get even better as more and more people ride), are complex. Suffice to say harassers of the Harbor Bay Ferry speak with forked tongue.

The most tawdry aspect of this whole sorry episode has been the attempt by sorely misguided management-types to fleece the long-suffering Harbor Bay ferry workers. As we go to press, management has thankfully backed off; shame on each and everyone associated with this mean-spirited and demeaning venture. 
Soon, the Water Transit Authority will be taking over the Harbor Bay ferry. Look for better service, more runs and long overdue marketing. The Harbor Bay Ferry is a good deal that’s only going to get better for everyone. Relax, and enjoy the ride.