By BC Staff
Published: June, 2016
If you’re curious about sailing the Bay, you can explore the world of sailing on Saturday, June 18 at Summer Sailstice, a free event for current and future sailors. Mariners around the world are making plans to celebrate the sailing lifestyle by getting out on the water for Summer Sailstice.
This 16th annual Summer Sailstice celebration will be hosted for the sixth year in the Bay Area by Encinal Yacht Club, which is located at 1251 Pacific Marina in Alameda.
The sailing community and public are invited to attend this free, full-day event. Activities will include: wooden boats for kids to explore; a small boat regatta race; an inside look at the America’s Cup with AC spokesperson Tucker Thompson; a Coast Guard helicopter rescue demonstration; educational seminars; sailing demonstrations; a cardboard boat-building competition; free sailboat rides for families; food and beverage stands including Dark ‘N’ Stormies from event sponsor Gosling Brothers rum of Bermuda; and live entertainment from noon to 8 p.m.
Kicking off the Summer of Sailing
“The America’s Cup has created tremendous local interest in sailing, and we’ve seen a dramatic increase from those inquiring about sailing lessons,” said Tyler Colvin of Encinal Yacht Club’s youth programs. “Summer Sailstice has been part of the sailing culture for over a decade now. We feel that anyone whose interest has been piqued by America’s Cup activities needs to get over to this exceptional event.”
“This year will also host the always popular build-a-boat-in-a-day contest where contestants will build, launch and race a boat built of cardboard. In addition, Summer Sailstice racers are invited for a post-race raft-up and visit aboard the scow-schooner Alma and the 65-foot Derek M. Baylis,” said Alameda event coordinator Bill Nork. “There are thousands of sailboats in the Bay Area. This is the one event offering the opportunity for everyone to sail, race, cruise and enjoy being part of a global celebration of sailing.”
Among the leisurely events and all-day live entertainment, the most coveted sailing trophy in the world will be showcased during a seminar by America’s Cup spokesperson Tucker Thompson. The America’s Cup is the oldest trophy in international sport, and is the most highly coveted sailing trophy in the world. The United States is the defending champion, beating New Zealand in the last America’s Cup in San Francisco in 2013. Thompson will go inside the America’s Cup to give insight on the pinnacle series of international sailing.
Sail to Save the Seas
On a global level, Summer Sailstice supports many good causes. The global event teams up with Sailors for the Sea, a nonprofit organization that educates and empowers the sailing community to protect and restore ocean and coastal waters. In recent years Summer Sailstice has been the largest single source of new members for this organization. On the local level, Summer Sailstice at Encinal Yacht Club contributes monies to the Encinal Sailing Foundation, which helps bring sailing opportunities to those who wouldn’t otherwise be able to participate.
In 2015, sailors from all 50 U.S. states and more than 40 countries participated in everything from offshore ocean races, social sails on lakes, family picnics aboard a rowboat, to philanthropic events that took disabled children out on the water. The worldwide event also includes a crowd-sourced event registry for those who can’t make the event in Alameda. People from all over the world are planning day sails, picnics and all sorts of nautical activities. Learn more at