
Kicks are for Kids!

Head to Pac Bell Park on January 11th for the Best Football of the Year 2003

Published: January, 2003

Nearly 100 of 2003’s college star football players accepted invitations to line up from East and West for the best game of their career. This has been an invitation-only game since its inception in 1925. It is an honor to be invited. It is a privilege to play. It is great football to watch in person even if football is not a sport you follow. For those who live too far away to attend, it will be broadcast on ESPN at 11a.m. PST. Over the years, this action-packed game has paid for treatment of 650,000 children, up to age 18, in need of orthopedic and burn care in 22 Shrine Hospitals around the country. Affordable? Individual tickets range from $15 to $50 with a special family pack at $50 for four tickets, four drinks, four hot dogs, and a souvenir. Go, have a great time. Watch 2003’s top rookie players before the NFL draft, guess who will be drafted. See the best all-star game in the country with players giving their best for the of the love game, kicking for kids.

All players are college seniors. In this game, each player is at the top of their game, giving their personal best, joining as teammates with peer level players from colleges all over the country. If all the awards and trophies won by this year’s long list of honored players were gathered in one spot, it would require a battleship to transport them. And what a battle this is going to be. For all players, this game is one from the heart. For two military football stars, this is their last best game. Gerald Ford went on to a career other than football, as will these fine athletes. Last year at the kick-off ceremony, former President Ford said, “I have nothing but the fondest of memories from playing in the East West Shrine Game 67 years ago.” It’s a game that makes a lasting impression on players and youth alike.