Published: June, 2003
Across from St.Patrick’s Church, at 920 Peralta (at 10th), is a new community center for West Oakland that is making a difference. Pastor Burns lead the effort to save the old abandoned building that in 1876 was a convent. His brother, Washington Burns ,aided in making that a reality.
The center is now open day and night. A computer lab was set up in the large basement of the center. Durin the day, UC Berkeley seniors work with local youth to digitally document the rich and varied lives of the communities elder members. The result will be a movie of rich and lively history in their own words. At night, Laney College Extension offers courses to improve basic skills using the same basement computer lab . These are just two of the many programs offered by the center.
Volunteers are also making a difference. Many are continuing to restore the historic building. Two set makers who work for Disney and Spielburg pitched in to build the new performing arts stage. For information, contact Dr. Washington Burns at (510) 208-5651.