
Letterstothe Editor

Published: January, 2005

The recent story on Transportation Measures on the November ballot (Making Cents for Ferries) left out the events in Sonoma County. I suppose this was due to the prolonged period it took to count the absentee and provisional ballots.

The election was close for Measure M, the increment of the sales tax proposed. As you mentioned, this measure requires a 2/3 majority of the voters to pass. At the end of the Tuesday balloting, Measure M was ahead by 66.7%–barely passing; that represented about 180 votes beyond the needed 2/3. After the 19 days, we patiently awaited the final count; the vote was 68% favorable, about 1,075 votes above the needed.

As in Marin, this is the first of a string of transportation measures to have passed in a period of 14 years. That makes Marin and Sonoma self-help counties. In other words, some of the revenues from the tax can be used to match state and federal dollars for projects in these counties.
Congratulations are due to all who worked for these measures.
George Ellman
Glen Ellen, CA