
New Blue Greenway Blue Greenway Public Art Trail: Art Auction for Waterfront

An exciting component that has been taking shape through the Mayor’s Blue Greenway Task Force is an Art Trail element along San Francisco’s southern waterfront.


The Blue Greenway Art Trail will incorporate Mayor Newsom’s innovative temporary public art concept as exemplified by the David Best Temple at Hayes Green and Michael Christian’s Flock at Civic Center.


The ultimate goal would be to establish 8-10 permanent sites that showcase temporary installation art and the work of local artists. We feel this is an excellent opportunity to build a constituency and promote stewardship for the southern waterfront, as well as a great venue to celebrate artistic talent.


We are pleased to announce the pieces will be be announced at the Blue Greenway Art Auction, a public event on May 8 at 111 Minna. The auction will raise the needed funding for the first installations along the new trail. 

Updates and more inforamtion are on the new Blue Greenway Website: