Published: July, 2006 Mike Percey, won 1st Place in the SF Speed Sailing competition. He and fellow windsurfer, Bill Weir, tied for first, both with times of 37.27 mph. Photo by Jan Pehrson.

Published: July, 2006 Mike Percey, won 1st Place in the SF Speed Sailing competition. He and fellow windsurfer, Bill Weir, tied for first, both with times of 37.27 mph. Photo by Jan Pehrson.
By Kati SchmidtPublished: July, 2010 Probably as a result of my day job at the Aquarium of the Bay, I enjoy asking people, “What sharks and fishes do you think live in San Francisco Bay?” The question receives a mix of reactions, including rolled eyes and sighs from friends who have already heard this query […]
Published: January, 2005 Jack’s Bistro, located near the Oakland Ferry dock at the heart of Jack London Square, has added Danilo Trio to their musical array. Jack’s provides music most nights of the week for their patrons’ enjoyment. Stop in and warm up with tunes this January at Jack’s. Sundays from 10am-2pm, stop by for […]
Published: February, 2003 Only a year and a half after its launch, the online transit trip-planner operated by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) has reached another major milestone: It has provided Bay Area travelers with two million personalized public transit itineraries. The milestone was reached on Dec. 29, 2002, only six months after the first […]