Published: August, 2007

Published: August, 2007
BY SEJAL CHOKSI-CHUGH Published: October, 2018 San Francisco Bay’s water level is expected to rise over the coming decades. Even using the moderate estimates of three feet over the next 80 years, the resulting damage could resemble the recent hurricane-related havoc on the East Coast. Scientists estimate the cost in the Bay Area […]
Published: November, 2004 The new program partners uniformed law enforcement personnel with Coast Guard Sea Marshals to increase law enforcement presence on the San Francisco Bay ferry systems. The program enables both on- and off-duty law enforcement officers to ride Golden Gate ferries and Blue and Gold Fleet ferries to aid in maintaining a constant […]
By Mallory Johnson Published: January, 2016 They’re loud, they’re rowdy and they’re smelly. If you’ve ever walked along or near PIER 39, chances are you’ve heard them. This is where the California sea lions have been hauling out since 1990, when they took over the docks shortly after the Loma Prieta earthquake. There’s no such […]