Published: August, 2010

Published: August, 2010
By Paul Duclos Published: August, 2013 Many commuters choose to ride the ferry because of the relative peace and quiet on board. Unlike BART, Muni, or even the cable cars, the ferry offers passengers a chance to contemplate the beauty of our Bay and enjoy the panoramic views while being alone in a crowd. What […]
By Guy Span Published: April, 2004 For the first time in 45 years, San Francisco feted a ferryboat retirement as the MV Golden Gate made her last trips to Sausalito. Special events were held on the 4:05 and 5:30 p.m. runs and commuters, former commuters, friends, and the interested public were all invited to join. […]
Published: May, 2009 Last month marked the 20th anniversary of a gun turret explosion in which 47 sailors on the U.S.S. Iowa lost their lives. One of the worst peacetime accidents in U.S. naval history, the event was commemorated with memorial services held by Historic Ships Memorial at Pacific Square, the non-profit organization working since 1996 […]