Published: February, 2007 This high-tech modular craft was built to be impeccably manueverable, safe, efficient and to run on water with zero impact. What is it?

Published: February, 2007 This high-tech modular craft was built to be impeccably manueverable, safe, efficient and to run on water with zero impact. What is it?
Published: October, 2007 Watch Angels from a Tall Ship Join the Golden Gate Tall Ships Society during Fleet Week to see the Navy precision flying team, the Blue Angels, from the decks of the reproduction turn-of-the century Scow Schooner, Gas Light. The cruise includes box lunch and beverages (wine and soft drinks) as well as […]
BC Staff Report Published: June, 2014 As part of an ongoing series, Bay Crossings offers a closer look at some of the businesses that make up Alameda’s working waterfront community—a thriving hotbed of distinctive, innovative and thoroughly hip young companies. Bay Ship & Yacht Company is one of the unique waterfront businesses […]
By bill coolidge Published: December, 2001 I’d like to tell you that the seasons of my life have been stable, rooted. Oh sure I can point to childhood, 18 years in one house, and then in my thirties and forties, homesteading for 15 years. But mostly no, 5 years here and there. I’m 58 and […]