Published: July, 2010

Published: July, 2010
BY CAPTAIN RAY Published: July, 2017 In my role as a master instructor trainer for the United States Sailing Association (US Sailing), I have been all over the United States. The association has sent me from Maine to San Diego, from Seattle to San Croix. However, I was surprised when US Sailing asked me […]
Published: May, 2016 Over the last 16 years, the citizens of Alameda County have supported ferry service through the Alameda County half-cent transportation sales tax known as Measure B. Approved by Alameda County voters in 2000, Measure B was designed to fund essential transportation improvements and services and was expected to generate more than $1.4 […]
By Paul Duclos Published: March, 2014 One of the key differentiators among book lovers riding the ferry these days is how content is consumed. While the Kindle set is gaining traction, we still see a good many readers toting traditional hard covers and paperbacks. The most devoted bibliophile, though, remains wedded to the rare or […]