
Prince and Princess Dazzle the Ice!

Published: March, 2004

Disney’s Princess on Ice Grand Opening in San Jose February 18, 2004 was a spirited success. Some guests were greeted by a handsome Aladdin and his Genie. Little boys and girls plus those young at heart shared a moment in the brilliance of the characters smiles. When the lights dimmed, hearts and hopes soared to the sounds of favorite songs of beloved children’s stories. Stories of young lovers, princes and princesses or commoners overcoming adversity, falling in love and becoming royalty. With twinkling lights from magic wands, mirrors, or lighted swords, children waved from the crowd as the beautiful skaters flew by gracefully dancing and acting out the key scenes of these special fairy tales of dreams come true.

Jasmine and Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Mulan, Arial, and, of course, Cinderella all skate the highlights of their stories with their lovers and friends. The Disney on Ice show will play in San Francisco at the Cow Palace March 3-9. The skaters are superb and the costumes sparkle like the eyes of the children in the audience. It’s an enjoyable show for children of all ages.