Published: April, 2006
From: In Hiding
Ah yes, so a Marin Supervisor, like all the rest from Marin, takes money from anti-transit interests, and then gets appointed to help promote mass transit?
No, no, donors to the Kensey campaign oppose any good mass transit system, which is why Marin, allegedly a liberal county, has never funded mass transit, not one cent, not even right-wing counties in the Deep South can brag to such an anti-mass-transit state of affairs. Look at the Marin County budget and you will not find a dime to mass transit, and the official, and even more-so the unofficial, donors have made sure of that.
So now Steven Kensey is head of WTA? Here’s what I promise. No ferry service and no rail service north of the Golden Gate will ever go in if Marin County Supervisors have any hand in it whatsoever. We know the head of the WTA takes money from a certain interests I can’t name. But certain people see mass transit as negatively impacting their industry, and so they donate heavily, both on and off the books, to make sure nothing of the sort happens.
And now they, through a Marin Supervisor surrogate, have infiltrated and taken over WTA too. Don’t you remember the accidental paving over of the main downtown link to San Rafael that was going to be the link to the mass transit rail line up North, and how the County allowed the tracks to be destroyed without a serious investigation? …
The campaign donors and the Supervisors heaved a sigh of relief when they could say, Oh well, darn, those tracks are ruined and now the plan to connect downtown San Rafael to the North is off. Oh darn. And note how all the former train tunnels got filled in, blown up, rezoned. There is so much money behind making sure that no rail or ferry transit gets as far as San Rafael, from the north or south.
Of course we all fear for our safety, so no one will look into these heavily donating industries in connection with Marin Supervisors and how they, together have systematically denied real mass transit to all the allegedly liberal counties north of the bridge.
And I note now that as advance insurance to disarm critics, that WTA has on it’s website an anti-conspiracy theory article that just screams of pre-emptive denial. How ironic because WTA will do all it can to drag its feet. How funny, how Orwellian, the organization mandated with seeing these extra ferries come in, is actually headed by a guy literally paid to make sure no good mass transit ever gets to Novato, San Rafael or Petaluma.
I will admit I’m wrong if a ferry going north to Novato or Petaluma goes in, but they won’t. They simply won’t, and WTA will, with its research keep things nice and complicated so that delays keep happening. It’s all about roads, roads, roads and people making money off them. Big donors. …
Note that both the North Rail line and even one ferry line were in the final stages, only the be finally run out of business by lobbying groups, some alleging environmental concerns, others worried about their neighborhoods and others with enough technical concerns to put the projects down. But one thing in common with all the lobbying groups, even the allegedly pro-mass-transit groups, is a funding trail that will lead to those vested interests, and yes, all the mass transit agencies that never quite work, even GG Transit, yep, paid by this same industry group. It’s all, you might say, one happy family. La Familia, they might say in a Latin tongue.
So until this is fixed, all this talk, and your magazine too, is a front for a lot of activity that will surely add to nothing. It’s futile for me to write this, since your magazine is part of the front to make it look like mass transit is on the way to the north, when in fact, probably you will find among your donors, those very same folks. …
By the way, the IRS has been curious about many of those same folks. Funny how the IRS investigation just got stopped in its tracks. But why take me seriously. I’m just an old secretary, and failed at that career too. See just an old secretary, and old bookkeeper. Now that I think of it, I could understand if you just ignored this letter altogether.