
Tallship Arrives in July

Published: July, 2004

Usumacinta is a 560' ship, formerly the USS Frederick, was transferred to the Mexican Navy in 2002. The ship carries 320 Mexican officers, cadets, and crewmembers. She is visiting San Francisco on a goodwill cruise as a “floating ambassador” for international friendship, and San Francisco will be her only US stop on this cruise. She will be open to the public at Pier 30/32 for FREE tours, no reservations required. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to experience maritime tradition and form international friendships!

She Arrives Saturday, July 10 at 8:00am. Tours begin on July 10, from 1:00pm-5:00pm. They are also offered on July 11-12, from10:00am -6:00pm. For more information contact Sail San Francisco
(415) 447-9822.