Published: June, 2003
Transportation 2030: Getting From Here to There," a free conference sponsored by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, will take place at San Francisco’s Palace Hotel (2 New Montgomery Street in the City) Saturday, June 14, 2003 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch is included and reservationss must be made by Tuesday, June 10, 2003.
The summit begins a community-wide dialogue on several of the major decisions anticipated as part of the Bay Area’s long-range transportation plan and will serve as a guide to future projects, policies, and investments.
Participants will engage with local and national leaders to discuss a range of topics, including the link between transportation and land use. Conference attendees are encouraged to raise new issues and concerns about Bay Area transportation.
Visit the MTC Web site at to register online, or call 510.464.7787 for more details.