
Using 511 Services for Travel Assistance During Holiday Season

Published: December, 2006

Among the most popular 511 features for holiday travelers is Driving TimesSM, which delivers on-demand information about point-to-point travel times on the Bay Area freeway network. The 511 Airport option is also popular, and contains information about traffic conditions, parking rates and ground transportation at the San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose and Sacramento airports — plus updated data on parking availability at Oakland International Airport. Callers to the 511 phone service need only say Driving Times or Airports at the main menu, and then follow the prompts on a state-of-the-art voice response system.

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) introduced the 511 phone service and a companion Web portal at to provide timely, on-demand information for drivers, transit riders, carpoolers, vanpoolers and bicyclists throughout the Bay Area in Dec. 2002.