Published: December, 2004
All we know is that Pam Belchamber, who steered the Vallejo Ferry (Baylink) from a nascent service into the highest fare box recovery transit system no longer works for the transit district. While her accomplishments will be covered in detail next month, Bay Crossings is puzzled by the resounding silence from the City (“We don’t talk about personnel matters.”) Bay Crossings also contacted to the Vallejo Police Department to see if there was an investigation of some sort underway and did not get the courtesy of a straight answer. In fact, the department waffled in so many ways (first having the City reply and later simply not saying anything intelligible) that Bay Crossings suspects (thanks to sources) that there is more to this story. Bay Crossings further suspects that this is a story with heroines and villains, but that is just pure speculation at this point. Stay tuned.