
View from the Helm: A taste of the boating life at Boat Fest ’06

By Ed & Pam McGrath
Published: April, 2006

The boat business is really all about people. That’s our philosophy.

We love boats, boating and boaters! We make our living finding boats for folks and finding folks for boats. In fact, twice a year, we gather our listings, power and sail priced from $30,000 to $2-million, and showcase them at a festive weekend event we call Bay Fest.

During Bay Fest, we always have the grill going to feed lunch to hungry folks. We have live music and lively boat-oriented activities. It’s a fun day, and it’s a fun way to get a taste of life as a boater, or to enhance your life as a boater.

We also remember that some of our neighbors may not be doing as well as we are, here at the helm; so, last Oct., we combined our festive event with a fundraiser for those affected by Katrina and Rita. Other great people pitched in: Oakland’s Gingerbread House created uniquely beautiful cookies for the event, which were a big, delicious hit. Our Sausalito neighbors, Maritime Electronics, donated a Global Positioning System device (GPS) for the raffle.

After the event, we were grateful and proud to mail a hefty check to the Red Cross. It was the same pride we felt two years ago when we raised funds at Bay Fest to help with the purchase of a new fireboat for the Bay.

The pleasure of your company is requested at our next Bay Fest weekend (Apr. 29-30). This time, it’s a Sausalito celebration, which will include food, music, art, boats, information and merchandise, and yes, lots of great folks. Once again, we will be donating to a worthy cause. Please join us in the festivities. Our dock in Sausalito will be alive with waterfront charm. If it’s a taste of Sausalito you’re looking for, you can find it here. If it’s a boat you’re looking for, you just might find the boat of your dreams here, too! For more information, please contact us at (415) 331-5020.

Mardi Gras Parade of Boats

In patriotic affirmation and determination to stand tall and strong, up to 250 boats from Northern CA yacht clubs are expected to enter the Opening Day decorated boat competition, titled Mardi Gras Parade. Any boaters wishing to participate can sign up at Deadline to enter is April 11.

WHEN: Sun., April 30, Noon.WHERE: San Francisco’s Northern shore, from Crissy Field to PIER 39. ADMISSION: FreeWHO: Pacific Inter-Club Yacht Association and members of 100 yacht clubs, sponsored by BoatU.S., as well as boaters from the general public.

Ed has been selling boats in the Bay Area for over 12 years. He and his wife, Pam, opened McGrath Pacific Yacht Sales three years ago. Being at the helm of their 36’ trawler is one of Pam’s favorite activities.