Published: May, 2016
Over the last 16 years, the citizens of Alameda County have supported ferry service through the Alameda County half-cent transportation sales tax known as Measure B. Approved by Alameda County voters in 2000, Measure B was designed to fund essential transportation improvements and services and was expected to generate more than $1.4 billion in county transportation funds over its 20-year lifespan.
In 2014, Alameda County voters approved Measure BB, authorizing an extension and augmentation of Measure B with the expectation that Measure BB would generate approximately $8 billion in revenues from April 2015 to March 2045 for transportation improvements for Alameda County.
The Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) uses Measure B/BB funds to support the Alameda/Oakland, Harbor Bay, and East Bay/South San Francisco ferry services. In the next fiscal year, WETA will use $2.409 million in sales tax revenues to pay for Alameda Main Street ferry terminal access improvements, and to support purchase of a replacement for the M.V. Express II and the M.V. Taurus engine overhaul.
The $250,000 Alameda Main Street access improvement project is a good example of a critical project fully funded by Measure B/BB. The joint WETA/City of Alameda project will make the old Officer’s Club parking lot across Main Street from the ferry terminal available for overflow ferry parking. The project includes lot repaving, installation of lighting, and construction of a new cross walk to enable riders to safely cross Main Street. The project, which will add an additional 121 parking spaces, is expected to be completed by June 1.
For more information on the Measure B program, visit the Alameda County Transportation Commission web site at